Global Environment Facility (GEF) Consultations with Civil Society on Traditional Knowledge - Deadline for Registration Nov 15 2020

The GEF extends an invitation to join the virtual GEF Consultations with Civil Society on Friday December 4th from 7:00 to 10:30 a.m. EST, to discuss the Application of Traditional Knowledge by Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities, Stewards of the Global Environment, a topic which was selected by Council members at its 57th meeting in December 2019.  

Traditional fire management is one of the key topics to be discussed, with the contribution of members of the ISFMI Advisory Committee.

This consultation is organized jointly by the GEF Secretariat, the Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG), the GEF CSO Network and the GEF Small Grants Programme. The consultation aims at bringing the voices of indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLC) in a dialogue with civil society, GEF Council members, GEF Agencies, the GEF Secretariat and other stakeholders to discuss the value of traditional knowledge in supporting the conservation of biodiversity, mitigation and adaptation to climate change and combating other global and local threats, including responses to the COVID 19 pandemic.

The objectives of the Consultations are to:

  • highlight the role of traditional knowledge in assisting indigenous peoples and local communities (IPLCs) to achieve sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and combating land degradation and climate change;

  • showcase examples of the application of traditional knowledge from GEF projects around the world, including the GEF’s Inclusive Conservation Initiative and draw lessons to inform implementation of the program;

  • provide for inputs from GEF Council Members, partners and key stakeholders, to identify practical actions to better support the application of traditional knowledge within GEF; and

  • Highlight the challenges and risks of COVID 19 for indigenous peoples and outline how traditional knowledge can assist indigenous peoples in responding to the COVID19 crisis;

If you are a member of a civil society organization, indigenous peoples or local community working on the environment and/or issues pertaining to traditional knowledge, please apply to participate in the Consultation through the GEF website here. Note that the Deadline for applications by Civil Society and Indigenous Peoples is November 15th 2020.

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ISFMI’s Cissy Gore Birch Addresses the GEF Council


Reflections from Campo Grande - Themes Emerging from the 7th International Wildland Fire Conference (English/Português)