The ISFMI is led through a unique, not for profit, community, corporate and research partnership.
How we work
The ISFMI, an Australian Not-for-profit, is counter-party to the funding agreement with the Government of Australia.
The Initiative is convened in partnership with a consortium of organisations, with lead partners including the Kimberley Land Council, the University of Lisbon, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and the Darwin Centre for Bushfire Research.
The Initiative works in collaboration with partner governments for the delivery of specific pilot Indigenous Fire Management implementation projects.
Respect for Indigenous peoples’ rights and interests as leaders of their own futures is at the forefront of the Initiative’s concerns. Projects are undertaken only in partnership with, and with the free, prior and informed consent of participating communities.
The Initiative is supported by the Australian Government, with additional in kind and other contributions.
Secretariat. The Secretariat implements the Initiative, in collaboration with local partners and participating communities, and with the input of the Advisory Committee.
Advisory Committee. An expert Advisory Committee has been established to provide general and subject specific expert advice to the Initiative. The Committee members are global experts covering disciplines as diverse as satellite monitoring, governance, fire operations and traditional cultural practice.
Local partners. The Secretariat partners with local organisations, institutions and participating communities to deliver pilot project activities unique to each location.
Indigenous communities. We work in partnership with established local organisations and governance structures to deliver pilot site activities. The goal is for each site to become community owned, led, and independently sustainable.
The ISFMI Global Network. The ISFMI Global Network is a diverse group of experts and stakeholders building a global community of practice on Indigenous Fire Management.