International Savanna Fire Management Initiative

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ABC Australia ’Aboriginal Carbon Foundation calls for savanna burning carbon abatement program to be applied to southern Australia’

ISFMI Advisory Committee member Rowan Foley calls for the Federal Government to look into developing a fire management methodology for Southern Australia. Sharnie Kim of ABC Far North reporting.

“ "Obviously more research and development is required for the methodology to be modified to be applied down south, but certainly some of the successes we've been seeing across northern Australia I believe could be applicable to southern Australia," he said.

"We need a big research effort to be able to have a methodology to produce carbon credits that will ultimately mean there's more resources being put into burning country.

"Once you turn it into an agribusiness where people are actually paid to burn, you'll see an dramatic increase in the amount of burning of country for the right reasons."

Mr Foley said the fire methodology for northern Australia had taken between 10 to 12 years to develop.

"But now that that methodology has been developed and we've been implementing it for the last 10 years, I believe you could develop a methodology [for southern Australia] in about three or four years," he said.”

Read the full article here.